A high Quality Control in compliance with international standards

About Us

Our enterprise is one of the finest Vaccum Circuit Breaker (VCB) manufacturers and suppliers in India. Our Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB) is provided with a series of accessories that offers convenience to the client. Our manufacturing and testing unit is in Salem, Tamil Nadu. We have state-of-art manufacturing and testing facilities like circuit Breaker Parameters Analyzers, HV test set, High Voltage Testing transformers etc. VCB can be used as a sectioning interrupter at subsectional and paralleling posts. It can also be as paralleling interrupter at sectioning post (SP) and sub sectioning and paralleling post (SSP), as bridging Interrupter at sectioning post (SP), as feeding interrupter at feeding post (FP) and as bus coupler interrupter at TSS.




2×25 KV is the new electrification policy of Indian Railways. In light of that, VANS Electo Engineering has started manufacturing and testing units in Salem, Tamil Nadu. Being first in the whole nation, our manufacturing is one its kind. Our product is also the first ultimately approved product in India by IEC 62505-1. The choice of 25 kV was related to the efficiency of power transmission as a function of voltage and cost, not based on a neat and tidy ratio of the supply voltage. For a given power level, a higher voltage allows for a lower current and usually better efficiency at the greater cost for high-voltage equipment.

Our Approach

A hight level Quality Control in compliance with National and In International regulations and standards.
Working since 2020

We are the finest Vaccum Circuit Breaker (VCB) manufacturers and suppliers in India.